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HomeSupport of HomeHaven


Your donation will support HomeHaven's programs and services that help its members live safe, active, and connected lives.

 is a non-profit 501(c)3 corporation. Contributions are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law.


Ways to Give
Donate Online
You may use your credit card to donate online. 
Click here to contribute to HomeHaven.
Donate by Mail
To donate by mail, 
Click HERE to download a form. Print, and mail the completed form with your check to:  HomeHaven, 291 Whitney Avenue, Suite 103, New Haven, CT 06511.
Planned Giving
Planned giving to HomeHaven is a way to ensure that the benefits it provides will be available to those who come after us.  
Bequests are fully deductible for federal and Connecticut tax purposes.  Designation of HomeHaven as a beneficiary in your will is very easy; talk to your tax or estate-planning adviser about how to include HomeHaven as a beneficiary in your will or trust, retirement plan, or life insurance policy.
(Click type of bequest for further information.)
Double Your Donation
If you work for a company that matches contributions to charities you may double or triple your gift to HomeHaven.
Gifts to Honor, or in Remembrance
A donation to HomeHaven is a thoughtful way to honor or remember someone who has been important in your life 
or to celebrate an anniversary or other special event. HomeHaven will inform the person or people you designate. To make a special gift, call the office or indicate your wish on the donation form.
You may donate stock to HomeHaven, thus saving capital gains tax. 
If you wish to do so, please contact the HomeHaven office for transfer information.
Always consult your own advisors before making any gift that has tax implications, especially if you reside in a state other than Connecticut.

HomeHaven, Inc.

291 Whitney Avenue, Suite 103

New Haven, CT 06511
