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Jean W. Spencer, Editor TBA, Associate Editor

HomeHaven publishes a lively monthly newsletter that generally includes a message from our executive director or president, a profile of one of our members, articles on health or home maintenance, a calendar of upcoming activities, an irreverent cartoon or joke, and the occasional poem from our doctor of doggerel.
The newsletter is sent by email to all members and to non-members who would like to receive it.  It’s easy to subscribe – call 203-776-7378 – and it’s just as easy to unsubscribe.  Members who do not use email may request a paper copy to be sent by mail.

In addition to the newsletter, we send weekly emails - HomeHaven Happenings - to remind our members of upcoming events.

To see earlier newsletters, click  Newsletters
To see the most recent newsletter, July-August 2023 Newsletter.