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HomeWestville Village



Westville Village





Westville Village began in 2011. Our members, whom we affectionately refer to as The Westvillains, have events at each other’s homes, sponsor informative talks at the Mitchell Library, and are active in helping each other. We've hosted talks on a wide variety of topics: health issues, safety concerns, Hamlet, Julius Caesar, the Bible as literature, and the legal and financial issues of older adults. A recent activity was a Tai Chi class that met once a week, providing a wonderful opportunity for members to learn something new together and to laugh and chat with each other in the process. While we improved our balance and strengthened our legs, we got to know each other better, forming lasting friendships.  
We regularly contact everyone in the Village to make sure all is well.  Volunteers provide transportation for those who cannot drive and help individual members better utilize the services of HomeHaven.  
Our latest venture is to gather together for lunch once a month at one of the wonderful local restaurants located in “downtown” WestvilleWe meet for coffee monthly with Amity Village at a local cafe.


Our current Village Leaders, Susan Feinberg and Celeste Markle, are ably assisted by Judith Kidd, Carol Nardini, and Pam Stanton.

Co-leaders:  Susan Feinberg 203-389-2784
                    Celeste Markle 203-397-0492


If you would like more information about our village or HomeHaven, just call Susan or Celeste or call the HomeHaven office at 203-776-7378.

Westville Village Members




HomeHaven, Inc.

291 Whitney Avenue, Suite 103

New Haven, CT 06511
