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HomeEast Rock Village


East Rock Village is the oldest of HomeHaven's five villages, the one from which the larger organization emerged. The East Rock neighborhood is situated north of downtown New Haven and runs from Trumbull Street to the Hamden border along the Prospect, Whitney, Orange, and State Street corridors.  It is a mix of long-time residents, graduate students, young professionals, and faculty at Yale and other local universities. It's a vibrant community, mostly residential, but with a wonderful, varied collection of businesses and community organizations distributed throughout, with grocery stores on Orange Street, restaurants and art galleries on State Street. It's also a walkable area with ample parkland: Edgerton Park, with its  greenhouses, community garden, and tranquil places to walk and sit; and East Rock Park, from whose summit one can see all of New Haven. Served by both the city bus lines and the Yale Shuttle, the neighborhood is a convenient bus ride and an easy walk to downtown. 

We support HomeHaven with our membership fees, donations, and volunteer efforts and receive the benefits of the staff, insurance, and vetted service providers. We share with our sister villages in a wide array of activities. At the same time, we remain mindful of our responsibility for our immediate neighbors in East Rock.  To that end we have a village team led by two team leaders who plan activities and events and keep their fingers on the pulse of our neighbors' interests and needs. If one of us is ill, or recently hospitalized, we help out in many ways – walking their dog, bringing meals, providing transportation, or just visiting to keep spirits up. One of our oldest activities started back in 2010: a walking group that meets every week in the morning to walk our neighborhood and comment on the changes. In the past we have had garden parties at the home of one of our members, lunches at a neighborhood bistro, living room conversations on topics of interest, coffee gatherings, and a monthly happy hour at the East Rock Brewing Company. During the current pandemic, we are holding frequent happy hours on Zoom, contacting one another by phone, and forming impromptu masked walking groups.

Co-Leaders:  Kerry Snyder

                      Karen Schneider


For additional information about HomeHaven, East Rock Village or any of the services provided to our membership, email  one of our village leaders or call the HomeHaven office at 203-776-7378.

East Rock Village Members

HomeHaven, Inc.

291 Whitney Avenue, Suite 103

New Haven, CT 06511
